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Hit Me Baby One More Time: Get More Visitors to Your Blog

1) It’s not all about writing. You have to read too. You are part of a Blog Community on WordPress and as such, no blog is an island. You have to venture outside of your blog to find others with similar interests, build rapport, engage in conversation by leaving a comment. This is also helpful for getting you inspiration on what to write about.  You should find your circle in WordPress and build your clique.  You love fashion?  Find others who love fashion and subscribe.  Love food?  Plenty of foodie blogs to subscribe to and befriend.  Combine your powers.

2) If a tree falls in the woods and there’s noone around to… Yeah, you know this one. You have to publicise. Make sure you have your publicise feature turned on so whenever you blog this comes up on your Twitter, Facebook, LinkIn, Digg accounts. If you’re not subscribed to social media, this might be a good time to do it. It’s a great outlet for getting people to read your writing.

3) OK, so you hooked people and got them to click on your blog. Make your content worthwhile with catchy titles to grab interest so they actually spend some time while they’re visiting you. You have to provide something of interest to keep them coming back for more. Visuals help. So make sure you have atttractive photos and pictures to illustrate your thoughts.

4) Tag your writing. You should tag with as many relevant keywords so as to make your articles search-able.

I hope these pointers help and I wish everyone happy blogging!